EXTRACTIONS & Wisdom teeth


Tooth Aches & extractions

When you have a toothache the cause and severity of the problem will be determined and the treatments available will be discussed with you. 

The worst case scenario is that the tooth cannot be saved and that you are going to need to have it extracted but often there are other situations that aren’t as dire as that. Toothaches don’t always mean the tooth has to be extracted. In many cases, the tooth can be saved with just a filling.

Don’t jump to conclusions, it is very difficult to diagnose what a patient needs over the phone. The best cause of action is a consultation with Dr Raval to give you a treatment plan tailored to your needs. 

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. Partial eruption of the wisdom teeth allows an opening in the gum for bacteria and plaque to enter around the tooth and cause an infection, which results in pain, swelling, ear ache, jaw stiffness, and fever.

More often then not, the wisdom teeth are usually more of a hindrance then they are of any use. Most dentist and patients alike prefer to remove these teeth before they cause any other harm to the teeth surrounding them.

We will require you to have a panoramic x-ray called a orthopantomogram (OPG) of your teeth to show the positioning of the wisdom teeth in the jaw. This xray will also show the proximity of the lower wisdom teeth to your inferior dental nerve (IDN) and the upper teeth to you maxillary sinuses.

If your dentist finds that your lower wisdom teeth are position in a close proximity to your IDN, he will refer you for a 3D scan/xray called a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). This will determine exactly how far the wisdom tooth is from the nerve and if the tooth is safe to be removed in the chair.

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Why Wisdom Teeth are recommended for Extraction?

There may be many contributing reasons behind why your wisdom tooth or teeth require extraction, some of these include:

Multiple Decay: Wisdom teeth erupt so far back in the mouth and can be partially through the gum or on an angle towards the tooth in front. These factors make it incredibly hard to brush and clean properly in these areas. This means that plaque and bacteria build up in places that are harmful to the wisdom tooth and to the second molar in front causing a decay to develop between both the teeth.

Inflamed Gum: In some individuals, there may not be enough space for the tooth to fully erupt through the gums surface. This means that a portion of the wisdom tooth is stuck under a flap of gum. This flap of gum is near impossible to clean under which may cause the area to swell and become infected. This swelling then progressively gets worse and when you bite together this flap is interfering with the bite meaning it is now being bitten on. As long as the tooth remains, this is unavoidable.

Abscess: An abscess may form around or on the root of the tooth. An abscess is an infection that has formed inside the jaw and may result in deadening of that tooths roots, swelling, pain and even swelling in the cheek that is noticeable from outside.

Crowding: Although uncommon, crowding of the tooth/teeth immediately in front of the wisdom tooth may occur. A wisdom tooth may push hard against the second molar causing a slight shift in position. Pressure may be present during this time.

Wisdom tooth decay through lack of cleaning: Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt and that erupt so far back in the jaw that many find it very difficult to clean. It is common that people cannot brush this far back due to lack of accessibility leaving the tooth to decay and root away. A severely decayed tooth may become weakened and break. This can cause you discomfort within the tooth itself also leaving the surface jagged and sharp causing ulcers to the tongue and cheek.